Each Athlete Must Register Online BEFORE Practice!
Please read the following for clarification about athlete registration. There are two registrations required for each athlete shooter:
SCTP (Scholastic Clay Target Program): This registration provides insurance for each athlete.
ATA (Amateur Trapshooting Association): This registration provides “registered” target shooting for each athlete.
This year is the first year for an exclusively online SCTP registration. Previously, we did this paperwork in person at the kick-off meeting or before first practice. This year, SCTP does not offer paper registration forms except by special request. The registration must be done online with an “e-signature” process. This registration can NOT be done in person at the first practice this year. Since the SCTP registration provides our insurance, NO SHOOTER CAN PARTICIPATE IN AN OFFICIAL TEAM PRACTICE WITHOUT REGISTRATION.
Stephanie sent the email link several times, the most recent being sent last night for people who still need to do this step. It’s super easy and very quick. If your shooter is over 18, there is only 1 “e-signature” required as they can e-sign their own registration form. For shooters under 18, two signatures are required and I believe that happens via 2 emails. Once you start the process, it sends you what you need.
The email may be coming from SSSF (Scholastic Shooting Sports Foundation) instead of SCTP (Scholastic Clay Target Program). Please look for it and take care of this registration.
If you did not receive an email to register, please reach out to the club.
If you were not at the kick-off meeting, you still have a medical form to complete, but as in previous years, that one is done on a paper form and will be provided to you at practice.
Please also bring your registration dues to practice and submit to Ariana Racz for payment.
Your payment amount depends on whether you have already signed up for your ATA (Amateur Trapshooting Association) membership:
If your athlete is already signed up with an ATA membership for this year, bring $25 for the SCTP registration only.
If your athlete has not signed up for an ATA membership for this year, or if you are uncertain, bring $50 for the SCTP and ATA registrations.
Sorry for any confusion!